Tuesday, May 14, 2013

lets do the time warp again

looks like i havent been here in four years or so


maybe ill make blogging a regular thing again, maybe i can do it from my phone, ill have to look into it i guess. so ive gotten married since last i blogged, its been almost two years (anniversary is in august)

at school ATM getting ready to stop procrastinating on an essay im supposed to write, but im starting up this blog instead.

i love board games.

the end. for now...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

stunning realizations

so, apparently the recipe for feeling lonely and bored, might not need to call for going somewhere else, at least not alone.

utahs a nice place, but i dont really know too many people, and those that i do know i either dont know how to get in contact with them or they are working and have no time for me.

salt lake city has a lot of homeless people, which is very depressing, and even though the snow was fun and exciting, that only lasted a little bit, dont really know what else to do here, i guess i didnt really want to see anything, as i wanted to see some people, but well... thats not going to well yet. so for now... ill be alone again.

at least in oregon i knew people and knew what activities were going on, im sad that i missed speed dating and will miss the mystery dinner, which i got a phone call and was asked to moderate it, but i was out of town.

at least i can still go dancing at night, its one of the few things that allows me to forget how alone i feel even for a little while.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


well well well... mayhaps i could get into blogging regularly again?

i dont know

so ive been in utah for more than a ful day already, and ive had a good time, I ate myself a crown burger, went to the one world cafe, and viseted temple square. i also stole linz's library card to access the webernets.

crown burger is good, but they totally need to come to oregon, and so does the one world cafe, its got to be one of the greatest ideas ever thought up by anyone, the square was quite lovely and serene, and i went on the tours, checked out the church history museum, and discovered that wilford woodruff was a very small man, but he owned a stylish suit for sure.

i couch surfed the first night and stayed with a fairly nice former LDS member in good standing, he was a good host, and gave me cranberry bagels for breakfast.

so i could be theoretically scoping utah out as a place to live for a bit, likely not on a permanent basis, but maybe for long enough to school myself. i dunno.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

been a while

so lets see... ive not blogged in ages i know... i told you all about the wieght loss contest i entered... well... I WON!

im doing quite well on some of my resolutions, and not so well on others, but ive made progress on them all. so its a start.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

reflections on the shimmering sea

so, ive had a bit of time to think these past few days and i think i may have pegged down a couple of the things that lead to my problems.

first off, i play video games when im bored.

because i dont want to sit at home and play video games all day im more likely to go out to eat when im bored, at least it gets me out of the house.

i have no drive to do anything by myself, id rather do things with others.

i only go for a walk alone when i really need time to think.

having a day off in the middle of the week is terrible because eveyone else is working.

boredom leads to depression, and im more likely to overeat when im bored as well.

i wish there was something i could do on weekdays that i actually have drive to do.

im going to go to the gym now, even though its boring and i hate it too.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

oh my blog

wow, its been almost 2 weeks since i blogged, ive been so busy going to the gym to blog i suppose... thats good right, anyways, this diet is making me insaner.

im tired and hungry and im getting ready to go to the gym.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

i can run faster than a cold

speedily the virus fled, but unable to avoid me he decided to rough me up before his inevitable defeat. so yeah, im coming off of a cold, i think it should be mostly gone by tomorrow maybe tuesday...

in other news, apparently i managed to accidentally answer a call while at work and not knowing, and the person who called me said all they heard was a bunch of beeps, so i must have been checking. crazy huh, i let kelly corkran through my line after i was supposed to have shut down, then while on my way out one of my coworkers decided to play a prank on me after he went and talked to her while i was counting down my till. freaked me out a little. hehe.

there was something else i wanted to blog about but ive totally forgotten what it was. so later i guess.